Friday, January 8, 2010

Coming Full Curcle for the New Year

These days just seem to fly by so quickly. It was like I blinked and all of the sudden it was 2010. I think the biggest problem that I have is putting things off. Oh I'll do it another day, there will always be time to do this, I can do that next weekend, etc. And in a flash an entire year has passed. My promise to myself this year is that I will see things to its completion. I will not start projects only to abandon them midway; or worse before they even started. My worst flaw is I always put off calling friends. I'm such a bad friend. I promise to be better at keeping in touch. One of my friends from back in my high school days got in touch with me, mind you a good 3 years ago and even though we've communicated here & there via email, I've been waxing and waning about actually setting up a time to meet yup with her. Here is where I turn over my leaf. I'm meeting up with her today for some coffee and conversation. It's been a long time coming, but I feel by doing this I'm starting off the New year on a good note.